Wam Kat and the Nature of Hope

Cooking, Women, Saving the World

What makes a man devote his life to activism?

As a demo cook, Wam Kat can still be found at almost every protest. During the Balkan War, he became world famous as the author of one of the first Internet blogs. From the memories of three ex-girlfriends, we learn about the darker side and the deeper reason for his commitment.

A documentary film of 60 minutes length.

„There is a Dutch disaster relief worker, Wam Kat, who has been sending an electronic diary from Zagreb over the Internet for more than a year and a half, sharing his observation of life in Croatia. After reading Wam Kat’s Croatian diaries, people from all over the world started sending money for reconstruction. The result: 25 rebuilt houses, in a city that was completely destroyed by war. This was not a work of governments, but of people. Events like this are the hope of the future.“

Al Gore, Vice President USA, 1994


Directing: David Ruf
DOP: Niklas Zidarov
Steady Cam: Chris McKissick
Editing: Veronika Hettich, David Ruf
Motion Design: Anja Hartmann
Sound Editing: Thomas Brekle
Sounddesign: Philipp Reitberger
Music: Ed Marais, Venezuela Mafia
Producer: Hermann Trick

Third-year film in the documentary directing department at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.